Offering care for Joint, Tendon & Muscle pain.
We provide fully integrated orthopedic and chiropractic care to provide hope and healing without surgery or medication.
The reality of arthritis:
Arthritis is not an old person’s disease. Many younger people are now suffering from arthritis and are not aware that it is treatable. Many people hear the word arthritis and think there is nothing they can do about it. So they take drugs to control the symptoms. But arthritis is treatable and preventative and in some cases reversible.
At IOC we teach body mechanics and treat arthritis helping people get back to doing the activities they love.
Simply click on the 'Schedule Now' button and book an exam with any of our Chiropractors.
2 locations in the Twin Cities
6550 York Ave. S.
Suite 600
Edina, MN 55435
Open M-Th 8:00am - 7:00pm and Saturdays 8:00am-1:00pm
2550 University Ave. W.
Suite 143N
St. Paul, MN 55114
Open M-Th 8:00am - 4:00pm
P: 952.941.3311
F: 952.944.2004